What is the average monthly salary in Germany? - average salary in germany
It depends on the industry (service, factory, etc.) and location (administrative employee) workers, and it is not uncommon for the province (state), where you live, such as wages, in Bavaria, are higher than wages in Saxony-Anhalt.
In Germany, wages are primarily set by collective agreements negotiated between employers or employers' associations and trade unions.
For these reasons, it is very difficult to speak of one months average pay in general. For example, under the current collective agreement with a qualified management staff involved in the purchasing department is working in a factory in Bavaria victories from 2718 to 3092 Euro Euro / month. The same employees are working in the same area, but this time in Thuringia, wins 268$ 5, and 2928 €
A mechanic who works for the metal industry in Saxony some wins. € 9.01 per hour, but in North Rhine-Westphalia, which can hear from 11.10 to 11.85 N / hour and Baden-Wuerttemburg 13.10 to 13.32 per hour.
The higher wages are typically paid by the metallurgical industry and in Bavaria and Baden Wuettemburg.
Jerry @ H
The exchange rate of chage almost every day, but you could say, 1 EUR = approx. U.S. $ 1.35.
For the current euro exchange rate - can folloing U.S. dollars a converter from the web:
Average Salary In Germany What Is The Average Monthly Salary In Germany?
1:44 AM
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